Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nepal: Chronology of Important Events

Posted by beingnepali at 2:06 AM

ca. 563 B.C. The Buddha born in Lumbini, in Tarai Region of Nepal
268-31 B.C. Ashoka establishes empire in north India
ca. A.D. 353-73 Samudragupta establishes empire in north India
400-750 Licchavi kingdom in power in Kathmandu Valley
750-1200 "Transitional" kingdom in power in Kathmandu Valley
1100-1484 Khasa Malla kings rule in western Nepal
1200-16 Arimalla, first monarch of the Malla Dynasty, rules in Kathmandu Valley
1312 Khasa king Ripumalla leads raid in Kathmandu Valley
1345-46 Sultan Shams ud-din Ilyas of Bengal leads raid in Kathmandu Valley
1382-95 Jayasthitimalla rules as king of united Malla kingdom in Kathmandu Valley
1428-82 Yakshamalla reigns--height of united Malla kingdom
1484 Malla kingdom divided; three kingdoms of Kathmandu, Bhadgaon, and Patan expand
1526 Mughal Empire established in north India
1559 Gorkha kingdom established
1606-33 Ram Shah of Gorkha reigns; Gorkha kingdom experiences first expansion. 1728 Chinese influence established in Tibet
1743 Prithvi Narayan Shah ascends to throne of Gorkha
1764 British East India Company gains control of Bengal
1768-90 Gorkha conquers Kathmandu and Patan, Bhadgaon, eastern Nepal, and western Nepal
1775 Prithvi Narayan Shah dies, first king of united Nepal
1791-92 Nepal defeated in war with China
1806 Bhimsen Thapa becomes prime minister
1809 Nepalese troops lay seige to Kangra, farthest extent of Gorkha empire
1814-16 Anglo-Nepalese War waged; Nepal defeated
1837 Bhimsen Thapa falls, beginning unstable period in court politics
1846 Kot Massacre takes place; Jang Bahadur becomes prime minister
1855-56 War waged with China
1856 Royal decree gives absolute power to prime minister and his family
1857-58 Sepoy Rebellion waged against British in north India; Nepal aids British
1858 Jang Bahadur receives title of Rana
1877 Jang Bahadur Rana dies
1885 Ranoddip Singh Rana assassinated; Bir Shamser Rana becomes prime minister
1901 Dev Shamsher Rana forced to abdicate; Chandra Shamsher Rana becomes prime minister
1914-18 Thousands of Nepalese citizens fight as soldiers for British in World War I
1923 Treaty of Friendship with Britain confirms independence of Nepal and special relationship with British Empire
1935 Praja Parishad established, first political party in Nepal
1939-45 Tens of thousands of Nepalese citizens fight as soldiers for British in World War II
1947 Nepali National Congress established through merger of former All-India Nepali National Congress with Nepalese Society of Banaras and Gorkha Congress of Calcutta
1948 Prime Minister Padma Shamsher Rana announces first constitution of Nepal, then resigns; his replacement, Mohan Shamsher Rana, represses opposition
1950 Nepali National Congress absorbs Nepal Democratic Congress and becomes Nepali Congress Party; civil war breaks out
1950-51 Ranas fall; King Tribhuvan regains control over army and administration; interim constitution enacted
1952 King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev ascends throne
1955 Nepal admitted to United Nations
1956 First Five-Year Plan of economic development initiated
1959 King Mahendra enacts new constitution; first general elections in Nepal bring to power Nepali Congress Party with B.P. Koirala as prime minister
1960 King Mahendra dismisses the democratic government and imprisons B.P. Koirala and other leaders
1962 War waged between India and China; new constitution sets up panchayat system
1963 First elections held to National Panchayat
1972 King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev ascends throne
1980 National Referendum supports panchayat system
1982 B.P. Koirala, Nepali Congress Party leader, dies
1986 Second elections held to National Panchayat
1989 Failure to renegotiate trade and transit treaties with India disrupts economy
1990 New constitution promulgated as result of agitations and successes of Movement for the Restoration of Democracy
1991 Elections held to Parliament; first session of first multiparty Parliament held in thirty-two years

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